Our company has compiled a list of the most frequently asked questions in an effort to help potential drivers answer any questions that you may have before applying. We make a great effort to keep this list as up-to-date and current as possible. If you can think of anything else please feel free to call or ask right here on the blog! You can contact our recruiting department at any time toll free 1-866-764-1601 or email our recruiters at
What is Drive Away?
is a one-way delivery. Quality
Drive-Away will match drivers with all types of drive-away vehicles to be
driven off a manufactures lot and taken to a dealership somewhere throughout
the US and Canada. Many driveways’ go
from one major city to another. If your
goal is to get from Goshen to a small town near Los Angeles, you can probably get
a drive-away to LA. Once you deliver the
unit you will be responsible for finding your own transportation back to your
original destination or reload from one of our other 22 pickup locations!
are allowed to tow a light-weight vehicle but if you do not have one you can
still do this type of work using public transportation. If you use public transportation, be flexible
about cities for departure and arrival and leave yourself lots of time, as
there’s no guarantee that a drive away to your chosen destination will be
available when you need it.
are the Perks for working for a Drive-Away company?
are your own boss. You will be managing
your own time and make all the business decisions for yourself. You have the freedom to decide when and where
you would like to travel—you just call in when you want to work. You get paid daily and you have the opportunity
to see the country and meet lots of interesting people along the way! If you want to stop and see the sights or
visit family after a delivery you just do it without consulting
anyone—remember. . . you are your own
aren’t any start-up costs other than paying for your own expenses to attend a 1
½ day orientation class and drug test.
Anything you do will be an expense against your taxes including a tow
vehicle and tow bar—remember this is your business and you need to run it as a
business…. Keep all receipts!!!
are many ways to make extra money. We
have referral, safety and achievable mileage bonuses. We have an annual Driver Appreciation Day
picnic with multiple drawings and prizes that you won’t want to miss!
will always be assisted in a warm, friendly family atmosphere.
How are contractor's compensated?
Quality Drive Away, Inc. will pay the contractor for the loaded (dispatched) miles based off of PC Miler routing software which is constantly updated with the latest routes and toll information. The contractor will receive a fuel surcharge when applicable based on national fuel prices along with reimbursement for applicable tolls, permits and washes when required. All pay to the contractor is placed on their ComData account including a 45% or more advanced money to assist in the start of the trip.
Are there return trips available?
Quality Drive Away, Inc. has a large network across the United States and Canada of established relationships with manufacturers. We currently have 22 terminal locations poised to help facilitate return trips for drivers when available. While we cannot guarantee that there will be a return trip available every time, our dispatchers work diligently to create a large pool of available trips.
What is a fuel surcharge?
This is extra money the manufacturers have agreed to pay since the price of fuel went over $1.30 per gallon. It is in addition to the per mile rate paid for delivery of the procured trip. This amount changes rapidly according to the national fuel index.
Are you required to stop at weigh stations while under dispatch?
Since you will have a commercial transport plate on the unit you will be considered a commercial vehicle and will be required to pull into weigh stations. Some states may have weight requirements that may make you exempt in that state.
Who covers liability while under dispatch?
Quality Drive Away covers the liability as well as the cargo insurance for physical damage to the dispatched units. We require the driver to carry a $1,000 bond to cover the first $1,000 in damages should an accident occur. The bond will be deducted at a rate of 8% from every payment made to the driver until they reach $1,000 in their account. Should the driver leave employment with Quality Drive Away, their bond will be paid out to them upon receipt of their plates and any other returnable items that Quality Drive Away owns.
Do you force dispatches or require me to work full time?
No, we do NOT force dispatch. You are employed as an independent contractor so you can refuse any available load at any time. You are also able to set your own work schedule, whether it be full time, part time or seasonal.
Can I sleep in the vehicle I am transporting?
At no time are you allowed to sleep in a unit that you are responsible for transporting.
What type of license do I need to do Drive Away work?
Different states have different requirements for commercial driving and licensing requirements. While some states only require an operator's license, most states require at least a Chauffer's license. No CDL is required but it will limit the amount of trips you can take from various locations. We do have many larger vehicles that need to be transported and require a Commercial Drivers License.
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